Tuesday, April 19, 2011

From a Headstone in Ireland

'Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.'
~ From a Headstone in Ireland

Monday, April 18, 2011

In Memory of Amy

It’s been a while since I posted anything here for obvious reasons. There’s not a day goes by that I don’t think about Amy. I’ll go to email or pick up the phone to call her about something that just happened. I know for all of us, family and friends, time and prayers will heal the loss but damn it hurts right now. Okay enough of my whining because if I don’t I know Amy will find some way of kicking me in the butt and saying snap out of it “coo coo”. A nick name she and our friend Eric gave me. Thanks ;o) We all have our Memories and oh memories they are.

You know it’s really sad when you want to do something nice in a friend’s memory that the Bank wants to make it difficult. A Long story.  With the money collected from Technology, Watkins, other friends  we were able to set up interest bearing accounts for Amy’s two grandchildren, Jasmine (4) and Christian (soon to be 6). Approximately $300 each and people are still donating. When the kids turn 18 the accounts will be turned over to them to use as they see fit. Our hopes are that the kids use it to further their education but only time will tell us that story.

What Sandy and I plan on doing is contributing to the fund at least twice a year, once on the anniversary of Amy’s death and then again on Amy’s birthday. If you want to contribute just send/get the money to me or Sandy and I promise it will be split between the 2 kids accounts.

If you want to contact me with questions or anything you can email me at hurricanecarla35@gmail.com.
So I probably won’t post anything again until September 21st on this blog.

Until then …………….. May you find strength in the Love that surrounds you.
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