Wednesday, December 29, 2010

As Rosanne Rosanna Danna used to say "It's always something"

Sorry so much time has passed since our last post but there hasn't been a whole lot new happening until recently.

On Wednesday Amy found out that a cancerous spot showed up on her pelvic bone.  She had been having some pain in the area but thought it was something else. Little did she know.

They began radiation on Monday the 27th. She will have 10 twenty minute treatments. She had her 2nd treatment on Tuesday and said the pain has actually already eased up in her groin area. She goes back to the hospital for her 3rd radiation treatment tomorrow. Doctors say they are on target.

Amys hopes to be able to return to work next week! She says to "Keep praying, the prayers are working! Love to all her family and friends. Xoxoxo."
Just knowing that she will be able to return to work in some sort of capacity and get into a routine again makes her feel better. Amy is not one to sit still when she knows there's work to be done and people depend on her doing her job.

At this time the doctors are still trying isolate the cell relating to the lung cancer so they can decide on the form of chemotherapy. Amy should know something next week. She'll have to do Chemo one of 3 ways.. intravenous only, intravenous for half then the pill or just the pill.

Amy said they had a wonderful Christmas thanks to all her caring Angels. She can't thank everyone enough. First her friends from Cook MS appeared with donations and gifts then Officer Sandy showed up with gifts and donations from Watkins MS and Technology and herself.

I'll continue to post to the blog since not everyone uses facebook and Amy will start posting on facebook. For some reason the Blog won't always let Amy in. I think it's user error. What do you think Amy? ;o) Love ya.

Until next time.. Keep Amy in your prayers

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Typical Amy ;o)

As I answer my work phone the person on the other end is pushing a button making a loud noise in my ear. All I could do was smile and go "AMY". Yes Amy was in form today. She was up at Cook picking up some things from her office. We didn't talk long because her parents were in the car waiting but.....
She's feeling okay but very tired. She's not sleeping well. This is her first venture outside the house short of the hospital and doctor visits. It's always great to hear her voice.

They didn't go to the New Family Orientation today but will go tomorrow when she goes to visit with the doctor and hopefully determine the course of treatment. She was happy to be able to combine the visits into one.

Amy told me she would try to post something personally again in the next day or two.
Until then...............

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Finally one from me!

Hello friends,
I just wanted to say hello before bedtime tonight.  All is well for now.  Friday was a very long day at MD Anderson as Carla eluded to.  Yesterday, I was just trying to catch up on rest. I made a pot of Chicken Gumbo that turned out to be pretty good!  Today, watched football (some might call it football), and visited with my parents, brother, and spent time with sweet Jasmine.  Good ol' burgers for dinner : )  Tomorrow I visit the dentist.  Just anxious about the consult on Weds.  My darling friends and family, thank you so much for your thoughts, prayers, and kind gifts.  I cannot possibly describe in words what it means to me to have such a wonderful support system.  I love you all.  I will try to post again before Weds.  XOXOXO, Amy

Thursday, December 16, 2010

She's having fun now

Word of warning I'm not a writer and my typing doesn't always keep up with my thoughts.
Wednesday when Amy finished registering they sent her to get chest x-rays, they drained fluid to take to the labs to test again and started more blood work. Can you say "pincushion"?

Today she was at home relaxing, taking care of things before tomorrows long day.Tomorrow she goes back to MD Anderson for a PET scan around noon then she has to find something to do until 9pm when they will give her another MRI. She figures they'll explore the area and grab a bite to eat then explore some more.
Amy had a visitor from Cook MS, Judy Luchack & her son Austin stopped by. With them they brought Cards, a beautiful prayer shawl, well wishes, and a collection to help defray costs like parking, gas and lunches. Amy says she can't find the words to describe her feelings, but in our conversation she was overcome with emotion with the generosity she has received. She can't believe how truly blessed she is with friends who are willing step up however they can to help her on this crazy journey.

Next week on Tuesday she and her parents will attend a New Patient & family orientation.

Then on Wednesday next week Amy will meet with her doctor to figure out what course of treatment they will follow. The cancer Amy has is in her cells and not a lump or tumor where they could go in and surgically remove and/or test. There's a chance she may have to have a needle biopsy to finalize the route of treatment. Amy's not so sure about that needle but she'll do what it takes.

Dr Tsao (Amy's doctor and yes like the Chinese food we all like) concurred with doctors at Willowbrook Methodist that once treatment begins the fluid should begin to dry up and they will be able to remove the drain. Amy's only allowed to drain it once a day.

So keep Amy in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow. She doesn't think she'll be home until after 11pm so I won't know anything new to post until Saturday.

Amy plans on facing this with humor and she's good at it. We were both laughing when we said good bye until we talk again.

Several folks have asked about getting Amy's grandchildren some gifts since Amy hasn't been up to shopping so I was told to post their sizes.
Jasmine is 3 almost 4 wears a 4T and 7 1/2 shoe. When Officer Sandy asked what toys Jasmine liked Amy's mom said she had the Toys R Us sales flyer where Jasmine circled toys she wanted. We had to laugh.... almost everything was circled.
Christian is I believe 5. He wears an 8 or an 8-10 in shirts and pants. He likes anything spiderman, toy story or from the movie Cars. He has a Nintendo DS and was wanting a game with Buzz Lightning.

That's it for tonight. If I happen to hear anything tomorrow I'll let you know.
Again Thank you Cook Warriors for you support and generosity.

Have a blessed night

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

So It Begins

I have created this blog to keep Amy's Friends and Family updated instead of trying to email everyone. Now you can follow Amy's journey and leave messages for Amy that she can check and she'll be able to post as she feels like it too. And I know we all have plenty of hugs for Amy. Feel free to share the blog with others that you know might want to keep up with Amy and her journey. Sometimes talking for Amy is hard physically and sometimes emotionally. This first blog will bring everyone up to date with the journey so far.

It began the week of Thanksgiving with bronchitis. By Monday November 30th she wasn't any better and she went to the doctor. The doctor sent her to the Willowbrook Methodist hospital saying she now has pneumonia.
Fluid was building around her lungs making it hard to breathe. The hospital drained nearly 2 liters of fluid off her lungs and sent the fluid to the lab for testing. By Thursday December 2nd Amy was told she had cancer but they weren't sure what kind. The following week Amy was told she had bronchoalveolar lung cancer.  Her parents went to work on trying to get Amy admitted to MD Anderson. The doctor is optimistic that with chemotherapy they can put the cancer in remission. The doctors were going to put a drain in so Amy could drain the fluid on her own when they release her finally on December 9th. They were about to do the procedure when they realized they didn't have all the right equipment.  Instead she was told that if the fluid continue to build to go to the ER at MD Anderson when her breathing became to labored. During her 2 week stay the hospital drained the fluid 3 times. Amy has stayed upbeat in spirit and has an appointment with MD Anderson on Wednesday, December 15 @ 8am to begin registration.

Monday, December 13th @ about 9am Amy was admitted thru the ER at MD Anderson Hospital where she spent the day. During her stay MD Anderson did insert a drain catheter so Amy could drain the fluid herself as needed. She was released from the ER around 7pm, is at home now but will go back Wednesday to MD Anderson to start the registration.

Possibly tomorrow they will insert another catheter under the skin to receive blood thinner meds instead of injections twice a day like she's doing now plus that will be where she'll start receiving her chemo. Amy will have a whole team of folks assigned to her for her care and well being.

When I spoke with her this morning she wasn't sure when the chemotherapy would start but she's ready to get the ball rolling so she can get back to work and a somewhat normal routine.

She appreciates all prayers, cards and other support everyone has sent her way.

I will post updates as I get them. Probably won't have any new news until late Thursday or Friday.

Until then...................Carla and Officer Sandy Sanchez