Monday, January 31, 2011

I Know it's been a while....

Haven't posted in a while because there's not a lot going on. Amy is still hanging in there with a smile on her face but sometimes her voice betrays her and one can tell she's tired and sometimes in pain.
Amy went to the pulmonary doctor Wednesday the 26th but they're not ready to remove the drain yet.
She goes to the doctors on this Wednesday for visit, and she'll have your second Chemo treatment on February 5th.
I'll post something after her doctor visit Wednesday.
As Always Keep Amy in your thoughts and prayers

Thursday, January 20, 2011

One Chemo Treatment Down

Amy handled the Chemo Treatment on Friday just fine. She hasn't been sick but it has made her pretty tired.
Correction from my last post.... Amy will have her 2nd treatment on Saturday,February 5th not this past Saturday. At this time she hasn't been given a schedule of how many treatments she'll have to do or for how long.
She did her usual afternoon drain on Sunday and found it to be more painful than usual. Which made her uncomfortable and restless for the last couple of days. She wasn't at work on Tuesday but she's there today.
She's still in quite a bit of pain and really tired.
Amy goes to the doctor on Monday the 24th to discuss how they/she will be able to get some relief from the pain.
Then on Wednesday the 26th she goes to see the pulmonary doctors. They'll evaluate her after some tests. Amy feels maybe the fluid build up has slowed already but as stated before it has become more painful to drain.
Unless something unscheduled happens before Monday I won't have anything new to post until then.
Keep the prayers coming.


Monday, January 17, 2011


I know Friday's Chemo treatment went okay. Amy was feeling okay but was ready to go home and go to sleep. The doctors told her that her 2nd treatment on Saturday might be a little more difficult. But then everyone reacts differently. Haven't got to speak with Amy this weekend so I don't know how it went.

I hope to catch up with her Tuesday. Post more then.

God Bless

Friday, January 14, 2011

Part I Act I

Amy has completed her 10 radiation treatments for the spot on her pelvic bone and Today is receiving her first round of chemo at MD Anderson. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
For her Technology Friends she sent a card via me. I have tacked the card on the wall in our mail area here at ISC-N. We're so spread out I thought this to be the best way to get the card to everyone. She has been busy trying to write Thank you's to all her friends all over the district.  
She is very grateful to all. The prayers, cards, email, blog comments and donations have made the journey easier knowing she has such supportive and caring friends. The donations helped give her family have a Merry Christmas and curve some of the expenses for travel to and from the hospital. She sends her Love and Thanks everyday to everyone.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Let's get this show on the road

At first my chemo was scheduled for this Sat.  I had it changed today for this Friday at 7:30 am.  I just thought it would be best if I had the entire weekend to rest after my first treatment.  I am happy to report that today was my last radiation treatment for the pelvic bone!  Thank the GOOD Lord!  Thank you to all of you for the continued prayers.  Dr. says that I may be eligible for the chemo pill later on.  We will see.  They wanted to get moving on a plan that they know to be successful, and I AM ALL FOR THAT!!!!
Love and hugs,

Monday, January 10, 2011

Finally she has a plan ...

Amy's post to Facebook & Email ---
I would like to thank you all for the prayers and loving support.  The prayer group is truly one of my biggest blessings and I am truly grateful for the prayers you all say in my behalf. 
I am gearing up this morning to go to my 9th of 10 radiation treatments!  Praise the Lord that I have come this far without any major complications.  After the treatment, I will have blood work done, then on to meet with the Thoracic Dr.  Hopefully, there will be some sort of plan to begin chemo soon.  We have been waiting on test results to determine what kind of treatment I am eligible for.  Please pray that I can receive the "chemo pill", as that is what my Dr. and I are hoping for.  It would require less time away from home/work.  Again, thank you all.  Bless you all
update after meeting with doctor.....
PTL! Chemo will begin this Saturday. Maybe after a couple of rounds (in-house) I might be able to switch over to the pill. Dr.'s still can't isolate the "mutant" cell, so they are going ahead with what they know to be successful :) Come on Saturday! Thanks to all my family and friends for the continued prayers...
love you all. xoxo, Amy

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Whew! Amy made it thru the week.............

Here's Amy's post from Facebook***‎8 of 10 radiation done, and I am feeling pretty good - PTL and all of you for your thoughts and prayers! Anxious to meet with dr. next week to hopefully devise my chemo treatment plan (pray for the chemo pill), as it won't require so much travel. Love you all, and again, THANK YOU for the prayers, I appreciate them more than I can say. XOXOXO, Amy***

A few other facts. Amy worked most of the week but did have to take one day to take her 9th radiation treatment, run some other tests and talk with a doctor. It's makes for a really long day. She's at the hospital (MD Anderson) by 6 am then when finished she comes to work. She admitted to me today that she was grateful when the weekend got here but at the same time she was so happy to be back to work and trying to get back into a routine. Catch 22 of course.

Amy continues to drain the fluid from her lungs daily. It's not a very pleasant process and it hurts like crazy (that's not exactly the way Amy described it) during the process and for another 30-45 minutes after she completes draining the fluid. Her mom started out helping her but now Amy does it by herself. But once a mom always a mom. Momma Finley shows up every day to help Amy. Even if it's to just cheer her on, give a hug or a kiss or sit quietly for support. 

Amy voiced her frustration regarding the wait while the doctors decide what method of chemotherapy she'll receive. She's ready to get this show on the road so she can move forward. Once she does start chemotherapy the doctors keep telling her the fluid will start drying up and they can eventually remove the catheter. Amy can't wait!

Hugs, Love and prayers to my friend Amy

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

She's Back....................

Well if you haven't heard.....Amy is back at work today! She finished her 4th of 10 radiation treatments yesterday. She continues to feel better each day.
Post more later.
