Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Typical Amy ;o)

As I answer my work phone the person on the other end is pushing a button making a loud noise in my ear. All I could do was smile and go "AMY". Yes Amy was in form today. She was up at Cook picking up some things from her office. We didn't talk long because her parents were in the car waiting but.....
She's feeling okay but very tired. She's not sleeping well. This is her first venture outside the house short of the hospital and doctor visits. It's always great to hear her voice.

They didn't go to the New Family Orientation today but will go tomorrow when she goes to visit with the doctor and hopefully determine the course of treatment. She was happy to be able to combine the visits into one.

Amy told me she would try to post something personally again in the next day or two.
Until then...............


  1. Hey Amy,
    Been keeping up with your diagnosis and progress via Cook's prayer group. Know that you and your family are in my daily prayers. Seems like it was not too long ago that you were sending prayers my way for Joe. Now its my turn. :) Be sure to create an account at www.mymdanderson.org That website was my saving grace over the past 18 months. There is so much info for you. You can check on your appts, get directions from one appt. to the other and keep up with the doctor's notes. There were many times I just copied and pasted the test and surgery results in an eamil to my family so that I did not have to repeat myself over and over again. Please let me know what I can do to help - besides praying. If you have any questions about MDA, please let me know (work email or facebook). Love ya girl.

  2. Amy,
    Been thinking about you a lot. You continue to be in my prayers. I know that at this difficult time it is more important than ever to hold onto your family and friends and what is most important in life. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and that God grant you strength and healing. Love, Pam
