Wednesday, December 29, 2010

As Rosanne Rosanna Danna used to say "It's always something"

Sorry so much time has passed since our last post but there hasn't been a whole lot new happening until recently.

On Wednesday Amy found out that a cancerous spot showed up on her pelvic bone.  She had been having some pain in the area but thought it was something else. Little did she know.

They began radiation on Monday the 27th. She will have 10 twenty minute treatments. She had her 2nd treatment on Tuesday and said the pain has actually already eased up in her groin area. She goes back to the hospital for her 3rd radiation treatment tomorrow. Doctors say they are on target.

Amys hopes to be able to return to work next week! She says to "Keep praying, the prayers are working! Love to all her family and friends. Xoxoxo."
Just knowing that she will be able to return to work in some sort of capacity and get into a routine again makes her feel better. Amy is not one to sit still when she knows there's work to be done and people depend on her doing her job.

At this time the doctors are still trying isolate the cell relating to the lung cancer so they can decide on the form of chemotherapy. Amy should know something next week. She'll have to do Chemo one of 3 ways.. intravenous only, intravenous for half then the pill or just the pill.

Amy said they had a wonderful Christmas thanks to all her caring Angels. She can't thank everyone enough. First her friends from Cook MS appeared with donations and gifts then Officer Sandy showed up with gifts and donations from Watkins MS and Technology and herself.

I'll continue to post to the blog since not everyone uses facebook and Amy will start posting on facebook. For some reason the Blog won't always let Amy in. I think it's user error. What do you think Amy? ;o) Love ya.

Until next time.. Keep Amy in your prayers

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